Coding Camp!! Ages 8-12

Coding Camp!! Ages 8-12
On: 30 Mar 2015 through 03 Apr 2015
At: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
At: Warehouse 21
With Dr Mark Galassi, LANL Research Scientist
(Learn serious software development with Python on the GNU/Linux
operating system. An approach to programming that carries over to real work.)
This is a 10 hour workshop, free to all participants (but limited by space). Pick a course that fits your age
group and your schedule. You need to come to the full 10 hour course.
This is a hands-on course focused on K-12 students but open to anyone.
It will involve serious work and a good amount
of overcoming one’s comfort zone.
The goal is to get started on a path that leads to serious programming, rather than
using a canned “for kids” programming environment which will never be used for real work.
The course will start with an unusual but important feature: each student should bring in an old computer or laptop which is not used much anymore and we will start by installing a GNU/Linux distribution. If you cannot find “grandpa’s old laptop” don’t worry: write us and we will find something for you.
Once each student has a computer running GNU/Linux we will have a hands-on introduction to programming in Python.
Vis-a-vis age: computing, like chess, can often be done well by children, so children are invited to join if they enthusiastic and willing to work hard. Teenagers are often the best budding hackers, so they are also invited.